Friday, January 18, 2008

fulfitting poem

>I wrote your name on sand, it got washed.
>I wrote your name in air, it was blown away.
>Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got heart attack.
>God saw me hungry, he created pizza.
>He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi.
>He saw me in dark, he created light.
>He saw me without problems, he created YOU.
>Twinkle Twinkle little star
>You should know what you are
>And once you know what you are
>Mental hospital is not so far.
>The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass and flowers too.
>If rain makes all things beautiful why doesn't it rain on you?
>Roses are red, violets are blue
>monkeys like u should be kept in the zoo.
>Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
>not in the cage but laughing at you.
>When your life is in darkness pray to God
>ask him to free you from darkness and if after you pray
>and you're still in darkness, please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL!

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