Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thanks Sabrina

Okies...I accidentally deleted my cbox a few weeks or months ago.
And i lazily or just do not know how to put it back.So i just asked my little helpful,kind,friendly,cute friend to help me out, and she did it..THanks alot SAb.

Many of you might wondering why am i so skinny after looking at picture's at my previous post.Well, i seriously don;t know why.So don't ask me why and how.
It happens once in a while, i get fat for a few month then i lose them drastically.

And all the best to my pals Cheng Suai,Ivan ,Rachel and to all my other friends who i didn'y mention all the best with your new life away from home.Hope you can adapt with the new enviroment and all the best in your studies.Ciao!

Suai, dun tien tien see chabo la.
Ivan, dun tien tien paktoh..


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