Name 20 people randomly.At the end of the survey, choose 5 people to do the survey.Don't read the questions, but name the 20 people first
1. Joshua
2. Ivan
3. Carey
4. Cheng SUai
5. Khi hong
6. Alvin
7. Eng sui
8. Xiu Mei
9. Stephanie
10. Rachel
11. Sabrina
12. Adin
13. Chiong Kit
14. Hui En
15. Harry
16. Sean
17. Weena
18. Jia Yih
19. Ah Ying
20. Copykate
1. How did you meet number 18?
- Jia Yih - I seriously don't remember.Should be from Carey. hahaha!
2. What will you do if you have not met number 17?
- Weena - I might not ever get thrown with "Chai lei" in my life.
3. What if number 9 and 20 dated? [Stephanie and Copykate??]
- their both girls. i dun thing it'll work out
4. What if number 5 and 10 dated? (Khi hong and Rachel)
- Would be very interesting..haha.They have there similarities.In chinese,they call it "fu qi xiang"
5. Describe number 1.
Joshua - Hairy..***ermm..very hairy
6. Do you think number 8 is attractive?
- Xiu Mei? hahahaha..ok ok laa.dun wanna say anything,dun wanna get beat up by Suai.
7. Describe number 7.
- Eng sui - Tall and has big fat ass.
8. Do you know any family members of 12?
- Adin - Yeaps, I know his brother and both his parents.
9. What language does number 15 speak?
- Harry mostly speaks English
10. Who is number 9 hanging out with?
- Rach - i don't know ler. June?
11. How old is number 16?
- Sean - 20 la,the same as me.
12. When was the last time you spoke to number 13?
- Chiong Kit - about 4hours ago
13. Who's number 2 favourite singer/band?
- Ivan - He's pastor.
14. Have you ever dated number 4?
- Cheng SUai - sorry, i don't date guys.
15. Would you ever date number 19?
- Ah Ying - I would if i could.haha
16. Is number 3 single?
- Carey - no,he's owned by Crystal.(Cop nama crystal)
17. What is number 10's last name?
- Rachel - I think its Rachel Tan^^
18. Would you ever be in a relationship with number 11?
- Sabrina - Possibly, but i wouldn't want to get circumcised and she's a little too young for me right now.^^
19. What is the school of number 13?
- Chiong Kit in swinburne
20. Where does number 6 stay?
- Alvin - Tabuan Laru
21. What is your favourite thing about number 5?
- Khi hong - his chin,hehehe..kidding..HIS HAIR
22. Have you ever seen number 14 naked?
- Hui En - I wish..hahaha
I TAG :Cheng Suai
Jia Yih
Khi Hong
I swear that i wrote those names randomly.This message is not copy pasted.It written by me,gary.(COP NAMA GARY)